3:10 PM


I have wanted to be apart of this day for day for a longtime now. On May 27th at 3:53am my son Hudson was born, making me a first time dad. Let me tell you about the day he was born. 

It was 3am, we were knocked out sleep. We were awakened by the sound of the doctors voice saying "It's time to have a baby!" A wave of nervousness came over my body and I wasn't the one having the baby. I started to pray that my wife would get through the birth of Hudson with no complications and for Hudson to be born healthy and whole. I thought by praying I'd calm down but that didn't seem to work. LOL! I watched as the doctors wheeled my pregnant wife into the operating room. I was told to sit outside the OR until  I was able to come in. It felt like I was sitting out there for hours. As each person would come out of the room to prep themselves I tried to hide my nerves. I don't think I did a good job. One doctor was like "Hey everything is gonna be great! And your gonna be a dad!" I gave him one of those nervous laughs. Then I started to think that in a couple minutes I would be a FATHER! I was gonna have a SON! OMG I'm gonna be someones DAD. Not long after a doctor opened the door and motioned me to come in. I was so nervous that I thought that I was gonna fall when I stood up. LOL! Everything happened so freakin fast when I got in there. Before I knew it I being told to stand up and see my kid being born. I can not begin to explain the feeling that overcame me when Hudson entered the world with that LOUD scream. Tears begin to roll down my face. I was in awe of the situation. I was now a dad to this grayish looking screaming kid. I was then asked if I wanted to cut the umbilical cord. I was like haha suuuuuure. So I nervously walked over to where Hudson was and cut the cord. Man that thing was thicker than I thought. 
         I was then told to leave my wife and child and go into the recovery room. It felt like an eternity waiting in that room. In actuality it was only a couple minutes apart from my son. I was going to have bonding time with this screaming kid. My nerves had calmed down but when they brought Hudson in they came rushing back. (BACK STORY: I didn't like to hold newborns. I've never wanted to hold them because they were so delicate and I didn't wanna accidentally hurt them.) Now I had no choice but to hold and bond with my son. This dude was hollering something crazy as the two nurses were checking him out, making sure everything was alright. While checking Hudson one of the nurses turned to me and said "do you wanna do skin to skin with your son?" I replied "Yes I would!" I heard this was a great thing to do. I mean as soon as they laid him on my chest he stopped crying immediately. In that moment I realized that life as I knew it had changed. I was now a protector, a role model, a influence and example for Hudson. I was and still am so proud to be a Father. I love it!   


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