8:03 PM

During this time of year if you drive through the inner cities of Los Angeles, you will see the above decorations attached to the trees that line the streets. If you know me personally, you know that I have for years wondered what this is all about and why is it only in the inner city? Where did this idea come from? Who started it? Is there any significance to it? 
These are all questions that run through my head whenever I see it. So today as Hudson and I went on our midday walk, I noticed that this neighborhood street had a new way of doing things. Instead of using foil they used some sort of ribbon. I guess they though this was a little bit classier. LOL! I mean it does look a little better, a little. 
The OG version uses foil and a ribbon. (See Below) The OG way is the way that I have been seeing since I was a kid. You would think that when I posted on facebook and asked a few folks I would get answers but I got nothing. I really want to make a short documentary about this but no one has any answers. Google doesn't even have answers. Time is ticking, I know that the older generation is the only people I can talk to, if I hope to get any kind of answers to my questions. So if any of you guys reading this have answers let ya boy know whats up PLEEEEEEEEASE!

This right here took the cake. I laughed si loud when I saw this. I mean REALLY? WHY?

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