5:25 PM

The other day I was looking through my books and came across one of my favorite childhood books. In The City (published in 1965) This book was the book my school (K. Anthony) used to teach us to read. All these years have passed and I still remember the contents of this book. The simplicity and repetition is the thing that stuck with me. 
Here's the back story on how I have this book in my possession. So every year for Christmas my family and I buy each other gag gifts. One year my mom decided to get on Amazon and search for this book for my sister and I. When we opened our gag gift and saw that it was In The City, my sister and I fell out laughing. The funny part is that we both started to recite the words from the book. 
Looking through this book as an adult I can see how it was so effective for kids. First, thing I love is the way the book was illustrated. The old school hand drawn illustration are amazing. No fancy computer with Illustrator were used for the creation of this book. I just love the style that Dan Dickas created. I love the illustrations in this book so much that I am planning on using a couple graphics in a design that I'm currently working on. The illustrations match seamlessly with the words on each page. The combination of the two is why I think schools back in the day used this book as an educational tool. 
I am blogging about this book because I plan to start reading this to Hudson. My hope is that this book helps him with reading the way that it helped me as a child. I'm sure my wife and I will have to read this book with him hundreds of times. 

"One house. Two houses. Three houses. Many, many houses."

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  1. Good blog, this just shed some light on my perspective of reading and what to read at what my lifetime attempt to read the bible comprehensively, it's interesting to see where it starts. Thanks!

  2. I'm going to go on Amazon and try to get it for my boys !! My son loves to read !! Thanks.

    1. Cool. I added a link to the book on Amazon if you haven't already found it. Just hover over the words In The City in the first couple sentences.


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