10:54 PM

Boy O Boy time has flown by. It seems like it was last week when Hudson entered the world and changed our lives. It has been a learning process for sure! Our sleep has been taken away from us. LOL! Feedings every couple hours at night and trying to figure out why Hudson is hollering like someone is torturing him. (Which breaks our hearts) I will say that I wasn't prepared for this part of parenthood. I'd been told to expect this part of the process but it's a totally different ball game when you are dealing with it on a day to day bases. Hudson has taught us patience and to enjoy every moment even the frustrating ones. 
I've enjoyed watching this kid change everyday and start to do new things. My favorite moments so far have been waking up with him and watching Usher sing the ABC's on YouTube, and just talking to him in the morning. It's just him and I, while mommy still sleeps. He just chills with me and doesn't fuss, it's really cool. All hasn't been cool. Like for instance on my first Father's day Hudson decided he wanted to take the biggest dump of his little life. I guess that was him saying "welcome to fatherhood dad". This morning was no different, this dude decides that he wants to shoot poop at me while I'm changing him. I was pissed at first but laughed as I went to wash my hands. My wife had a good laugh as she never gets Hudson's big dumps. I always get the worst ones. I guess he was celebrating being a month old at my expense. 

With all that said, I'm looking forward to seeing my little guy grow up. Even if he poops on me again. Lol. It'll be added to our memories. 

Happy First Month of life little Huddy! Mommy and Daddy Love You!

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