12:12 AM

Happy New Year people!!!
Sorry for the lack of post. It's been hard to sit down and blog with the many holiday festivities going on around these parts. Please forgive me. Now that we are in a new year I'm ready to take this blog to the level that I would like it to be at. The blog will be more of me. More of my interest and my thoughts. My experiences, My motivations, My influences, My inspirations. My intentions for this blog was to create a platform for the world to get to know me and what D. Hill is all about and the things I stand for. I never wanted my blog to become just some blog that was regurgitating material. I apologize to my readers if this blog has begun this way. 
Yes I will continue to post about the things that I find cool and interesting. I'll just be adding more of my personal experiences as well. I hope that's cool. 
So with that said, please be patient with me as this blog goes through its growing pains. I'm still finding my way as a blogger. So PLEASE bear with me during this time. I know you will enjoy the products/material that I put out. 
I also wanna hear from you guys who follow along. Let me know where you are and what' you're up too. 


D. Hill

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