My Top 10 Favorite Christmas Movies.

1:14 PM

Its that time of the year again! My favorite time of the year. So I thought it would be cool to post Christmas themed topics for this whole month of December. It's my favorite time of the year because it seems as if everyone is a little nicer and more giving. So I cherish the holiday season, especially Christmas time. The kid in me comes out during Christmas. Though I don't get as many gifts as I did as a child I love the excitement of Christmas morning has never left me. My love of Christmas was instilled in my by my parents. They love Christmas, especially my Mom. She REALLY REALLY REALLY loves Christmas. Let me tell you we do it big for Christmas. Not big like those families you see with a million lights on their houses and decorations all over the place. But we do it bigger than your average. LOL! (I will do a post about her beautifully decorated house when it is complete.) Now that I have a son, I want him to experience Christmas the way that I did growing up and I hope that he will enjoy it the same way that I do. I'll mean a lot to me. 
So lets get started with the first post of my Christmas post-a-thon for December. I think that there are many factors that get me in the Christmas mood but nothing gets it started more than watching my favorite Christmas movies and listening to Christmas music for the whole month of December. (shout out to KOST 103.5 for playing Christmas music since the beginning of November.) Here we go, I'm gonna give you my Top 10 favorite Christmas movies. There are movies that won't make my list that you guys probably think should've but this list my favorites so don't get mad and me for my selections. It was a tough list to put together. I knew what my top 3 were from the jump but as I was getting deeper into the list it got tougher. 


I love this movie. I have to watch it several times during the Christmas season. One of my favorite characters all time comes from this movie. Yukon Cornelius. Thats my guy! Great style and I loved his attitude.  I have his toys and everything. (I'm a BIG KID) The story is great and timeless, hell this movie came out in 1964 and is still played today! Its amazing to me that this movie is so old and still stand up today with all the graphic and movie advancements that we have today. It just doesn't seem like it was made so long ago. 


I mean who wouldn't want their dad to become the next Santa Clause? I thought this movie was very clever and I love the spirit of it. Tim Allen does a wonder job in this film. And I love the little kid, he is so pumped that his dad gets to be the new Santa. LOL! He makes this movie go. 


Who doesn't love the HOME ALONE series? If you don't I truly believe something is wrong with you and we can not be friends. I loved Homes Alone 2 for so many reasons. Kevin (Macauley Culkin) got to run around New York and set crazy traps for two bad guys that have come after him for revenge. Oh and I wanted that Talkboy so bad after I saw it. My parents never got me that thing. LOL! I always weirdly wanted this to happen to me in real life so that I could set traps for the burglars.  


I cannot have a favorite Christmas movie list without having this movie on it. This move isn't like the other classic Christmas movies but it is indeed a classic for the hood. This movie had so many classic lines that I still say to this day. Some I can not say on this blog because I'm keeping it PG! But lines like "Holly Molly Donut Shop" "It ain't ya beauty, its ya booty" "We Top Flight Security of the World Craig" just to name a few. I loved Ricky Smiley as the robber that was dressed like Santa. And we all loved Money Mike (Kat Williams). Can't go wrong with this one. 


Now this movie is one of my new favorites. I didn't go see it when it was in theaters but a couples years back my wife and I decided to watch it when it came on cable. Boy is this movie funny. I love the storyline. This was an adaptation from a book and it has some really fun moments. I won't give away any of the funny parts, just incase you haven't seen this one. The premise of this movie is about a guy who convinces his wife to go on a tropical vacation instead of going all out on Christmas like they always do. Once the word gets out about them trying to skip Christmas its on and poppin' "FREE FROSTY!"


I mean come on, do I need to say anything about this one? Probably not but I will anyway. My favorite part of this here movie is, number one the music and number two the dancing scene during rehearsals. Another timeless classic!


Another classic and timeless movie. This movie came out in 1983 and is still gaining new fans. TBS thinks so highly of this movie that its on loop all day Christmas eve and Christmas Day. This movie has so many classic moments and saying we could be here all day listing them. My favorites are Ralphie in that pink bunny suite, "I triple dog dare you" "Ooooh Fuuuuuudge" "You'll Shoot your eye out kid" and of course that box with the words Fragile on it and the way the dad reads it. FRA-GILE. And of course the Sexy ladies leg lamp. LOL! 


I have watched this probably about 100,000 times. There is so much good stuff in this movie. Too many to list here but I know you guys know what I'm talking about because you've all seen it riiiiiight???? "If not you can "Keep the change you filthy animal" and I'll send the "Wet Bandits aka the Sticky Bandits to your house. Oh and how about the soundtrack???? AMAZING! John Williams is a G!

OMG! When this movie came out in the theaters I loved it some much that I went and saw it 4 times. I kept telling everyone to go see it. Will Ferrell plays the hell out of this role man. I can quote this whole movie. So many quotes that find their way into my everyday lingo. "You sit on a throne of lies"
"SANTA! I know him" "Your'e a mean Elf" "FRANCISCO!" With all those awesome quotes my favorite part is the taxi scene. I literally screamed in the theater when I first saw it. I laughed for like 20 minutes. And it still gets me every time. In fact I look forward to that scene because I know that I'm gonna laugh my ass off. If you haven't seen ELF you should stop reading this blog and go watch it. Wait wait wait, let me take that back, you should finish this blog post and then go watch it. 


I have my childhood buddy Matt D. to thank for introducing me to this movie waaaaay back in the day. I remember laughing so much during this movie that I missed a lot of it the first time so I had to watch it over and over again. This movie is AMAZING! If I don't get to watch this movie at least three times during the Christmas season then I have failed myself. LOL! This movie brings me so much joy. I love watching it with my family and people that have for some reason never seen it. If I were to tell you my favorite parts I would be lying if I didn't say it was the whole freaking movie. Now I know that I'm like most of you guys in thinking that two of the funniest scenes in the movie are the scene from the photo above and the scene with the cat. RIIIIIIGHT??? No matter how many times I've seen this movie I laugh super hard like I've never seen it before. Let's all give a standing ovation to the writes and cast of this AWESOME CLASSIC Christmas movie. 

1. Bad Santa
2. Miracle On 34th St. 
3. Prancer
4. The Muppets Christmas Carol
5. This Christmas  

Please leave a comment and let me know what made your top 10 favorite Christmas movies. I'd love to know what yours are. 


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